INTRODUCTION Western Area Peninsula Forest houses the Guma Water Catchment which provides pipe-borne water to the residents of Freetown. However, despite its importance, the Forest is diminishing rapidly as Global Forest Watch reports about 500,000 trees lost every year since 2009 due to deforestation from logging, slash-and-burn farming, etc. Other threats to managing the forest […]

The Youth Action for Relentless Development Organization- Sierra Leone (YARDO-SL) is a youth empowerment agency working on four (4) areas of intervention with a biased focus on Environmental Protection, with support from AFR100 and #FreetowntheTreeTown, the organization planted 100,000 trees at Tokeh and York communities in the Western Rural District of Sierra Leone. The purpose […]

YARDO-SL in Partnership with FCC joins the High Commission of India to Sierra Leone to Celebrate its 75th Independence Anniversary by planting trees
Today, the High Commission of India to Sierra Leone donated 75 trees to support the #FreetownTheTreeTown Campaign, which seeks to plant 1 million trees and raise awareness against indiscriminate deforestation in the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve. The donation comes as part of the Commission’s commemoration of the 75th independence anniversary of the Republic […]

YARDO-SL Calls for Livelihood Support to Mudslide Survivors
In a work visit to Kwama Village, the YARDO-SL Team engaged various stakeholders through focus group discussions and personal interviews to investigate the challenges of the community through a need base assessment. As a result of the mudslide that happened in Freetown on 14th August, 2017 that claimed over 1,000 lives and destroyed hundreds of […]

YARDO-SL Team Visits Guma Valley Water Dam
The Guma Valley Water Dam is the main source of water supply for the city of Freetown. The Dam was built in the early 1960s and is situated within the Forest Reserve of the Western Area, approximately 13 kilometers from the central business district of Freetown. The Dam was initially designed to provide water […]

YARDO-SL Supports the first-ever National Youth Roundtable Dialogue
In Commemoration of Sierra Leone’s 60th Independence Anniversary, the Global Youth Network for Peace with support from YARDOSL, conveyed young leaders from across the country to take part in the first-ever National Youth Round-table Dialogue on the State of Youths in Sierra Leone. Issues affecting youths were discussed, ranging from entrepreneurship, education, technology, etc. […]

YARDOSL Launches UNDP GEF project to Protect Guma Dam Water Catchment
On Friday 12th March 2021, the Youth Action for Relentless Development Organization Sierra Leone (YARDO-SL) successfully launched the project titled: PROMOTION OF INNOVATIVE LAND USE MAPPING AND REFORESTATION OF ENCROACHED AREAS OF THE GUMA DAM WATER CATCHMENT THROUGH COMMUNITY-LED ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP. The launching took place at the number two (2) river community in the Western […]

Women Empowerment and Livelihood Initiative
Launched in September 2019, The Women Empowerment and Livelihood Initiative W.E.L.I is a 12 month project aimed at strengthening the capacity of vulnerable women in marginalized communities to empower them for sustainable livelihood through basic literacy, skill training and financial support for start-up. The project with support from the Produce Monitoring Board has trained 50 […]

Kambia Ecowatch Project Update
YARDOSL continues its relentless effort in promoting youth-led environmental stewardship at the grass-root level. It is in this regard that the organization launched the Kambia Ecowatch project in April 2019. Kambia Ecowatch is an initiative to promote environmental sustainability in Kambia District. The project has operations in 3 pillars: 1-Environmental Research, Education and Advocacy Reforestation […]

YARDOSL leads the Freetown, the Tree-town Campaign
Freetown the Tree-town campaign is an initiative of the Freetown City Council with funds from World Bank. The project complements the Mayor’s Transform Freetown agenda with a focus on planting and growing 1,000,000 trees in Freetown between 2020-2022. The project is expected to contribute to nature-based solutions to climate, improving degraded lands, restoring biodiversity loss […]

YARDOSL Engage EPA-SL on Youth Involvement in Environmental Protection.
On the 3rd August 2020, The Executive Director of YARDOSL, Mr. Ahmid C Jalloh alongside a Climate Action Ambassador from YARDOSL, Mrs. Isatu Sunkarie Mansaray paid a courtesy call to the newly appointed head of the Environmental Protection Agency of Sierra Leone, Dr. Bondi Gevao at his office. According to the Executive Director of YARDOSL, […]

By Ahmid C Jalloh, Executive Director. YARDOSL Introduction: COVID-19 has disrupted millions of people’s livelihoods, with a greater disproportionate impact on poor households and most particularly on young people. This is an opportunity to take bolder steps to contain this health crisis and secure proper access to livelihood, especially to the most vulnerable populations. To […]