What We Do

YARDO-SL is committed to empowering young people to overcome poverty by creating an enabling platform for young people to interact, identify and/or build their capacity to proffer sustainable solutions to problems affecting their communities through multiple and integrated approaches in Agriculture, Environmental Protection, Governance, and Public Health in order to achieve a better society for all.


YARDO-SL’s Agriculture and Livelihood program aims to improve food security and livelihoods. It reduces hunger and malnutrition, reduces poverty through increased environmentally sustainable agriculture production, and increases household income by creating linkages between farmers and allied enterprises.

Our projects employ a holistic approach to seek the community and individuals (notably young people) through technical training, input support, access to micro-finance, the addition of value chain, and market linkages. This approach helps to capacitate the farmers to increase productivity and increase household income, create jobs for rural communities, enhance food security, and improve nutrition for the rapidly-growing population of Sierra Leone.

Key Programme Activities

  • Production, Processing, and Marketing Agro-produce
  • Community Seed Bank Operations
  • Farmer Field Schools
  • Input Distribution [Tools, Fertilizers, etc.]
  • Farm Advocacy Campaigns
  • Partnership with FBOs and Other Stakeholders in the Agricultural Sector
  • General Agricultural Consulting


The environmental protection program aims to help raise awareness on environmental hazards, such as deforestation, improper waste management, etc. and also providing expatriate advice/ideas/innovations on how best to mitigate these environmental hazards.

YARDO-SL applies the community-based approach to involve all members of the community to take action to protect their environment by educating them (especially youths) on the negative effects of these hazards to both the environment and humans. The program helps to investigate, identify, and proffer remedial solutions to help tackle the problems that have the potential to cause damage to the environment.

Key Programme Activities

  • Waste Management
  • Climate Change Education
  • Environmental Research and Advocacy
  • Reforestation and Afforestation
  • General Environmental Consulting


Public Health remains one of the major intervention areas of YARDO-SL since its formation in 2014, at which time its main purpose was to help in the fight against the deadly Ebola Virus Disease. The Public Health program aims to improve health care among young people (especially young girls) through research, capacity building and awareness-raising activities on the prevention, control, and treatment of diseases such as malaria, cholera, and STDs (gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV and AIDS).

YARDO-SL takes a multi-pronged approach to community public health education by offering community health meetings and forums on selected issues in monthly editions, covering topics on malaria, HIV, AIDS, etc. This approach helps to increase community awareness and participation in the prevention and treatment of diseases prevalent in their communities.

Key Programme Activities

  • Malaria, HIV and AIDS campaign

  • School Hygiene Promotion

  • WASH Promotion

  • Family Planning

  • Health Emergency Response

  • COVID-19 Prevention Awareness Raising


The governance program covers a range of issues that aim to raise awareness on citizens’ civic responsibilities, promote human rights, transparency and accountability, patriotism, peace, and quality service delivery in Sierra Leone, and the world at large

Key Programme Activities

  • Civic Education and Community Cohesion Advocacy

  • Human Rights Watch

  • Governance, Transparency and Accountability Engagements.

  • Anti-Violence and Anti-Drugs Campaigns

  • Gender Equality

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